Education In the Time of Crisis

A Zoom Forum Hosted by Peace Action of Staten Island 

Saturday, September 12, 2020, from 2 PM to 4 PM. 

Free and open to the public. 
Peace Action of Staten Island invites parents, grandparents, teachers, students, and everyone who cares about the education of Staten Island’s students to attend a forum “Education In the Time of Crisis” that brings together activists who are committed to an equitable and safe school environment.  

New York City schools have always been underfunded and segregated racially.  On average, NYC schools classes are 15-30% larger than the rest of the state. Most schools in NYC presently have inadequate ventilation and lack air conditioning. There are no working sinks in many rooms (if they even have sinks).

The DOE Chancellor opened a recent meeting with school employees stating that due to cutbacks in state and federal funds layoffs are a probability. If the Chancellor is saying that the schools are underfunded how are they going to pay for working or new sinks, nurses in every school and adequate ventilation? How will this happen in time for the scheduled opening? Without funding for contact tracing, will returning to schools put Black and Latinx at more risk again for Covid?

A solution must take into account that working parents need child care and remote learning doesn’t replace in person learning and socialization. In addition, we need a racially equitable education for all students including a way to deliver therapeutic services.

We hope you will join us on the 12th to hear the voices of our panelist and to speak about your concerns. We need to organize to ensure that we have a safe and equitable school system.

Our Activist Panel:

  • Guillermo Grau, United Activites Unlimited

  • Nailah Bourne, NYCDOE Elementary School Speech Teacher

  • Yasmine Chokrane, Student Leader at Teens Take Charge

  • Tammy Greer BrownNAACP Youth Council, Advisor

  • Leonie Haimson, founder of  Class Size Matters

  • Tal Jasmin, Parent and K Woods Foundation

  • John Lawrence, Professor at the College of Staten Island

  • Margarita Sanchez, Professor  at Wagner College, La Colmena

  • Rahsan Williams , NYCDOE High School teacher and parent


  • Above Ground Railroad

  • First Central Baptist Church

  • La Colmena

  • Move Forward Staten Island

  • New York Center for Interpersonal Development 

  • Staten Island Political Action Club

  • Staten Island Urban Center

  • Staten Island Women Who March (SIWWM)

  • Teens Take Charge NYC

  • United Activities Unlimited (UAU)

  • Young Democrats of Richmond County


For more information please visit:

Peace Action of Staten Island webiste

facebook page,

or email

Thank you to all our new and renewed members! 
Click here to Join or Renew. 


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