
NYC Fast Ferry

July 2024 | This video was filmed by Tamer Mahmoud, John Kilcullen, Dominique Hood, and Genna Goldsobel and produced by Jack Turner. The purpose of the video is to illustrate the inequities that Staten Islanders experience with the current ferry system in place. While the St. George Route provides Staten Islanders with access to the West Side of Manhattan, it fails to provide connectivity to the rest of the system. As demonstrated in the video, it took 1.5 miles and roughly 20+ minutes to traverse from the Battery Park City landing to the Wall St/Pier 11 landing. Staten Islanders should not have to go through this experience in order to connect with the rest of the Fast Ferry system. That’s why it’s imperative that the Staten Island to Brooklyn ferry route be resurrected. It would allow Staten Islanders not only direct access to Brooklyn, but the opportunity to transfer to the South Brooklyn Route and access the rest of the system, truly making it One City, One System!


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