PASI Speak Out on Ukraine

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Peace Action of Staten Island (PASI) held a speak out on the war in Ukraine. It is heart-wrenching to watch what is happening to the Ukrainian people. Peace Action National, with which PASI is affiliated, is the largest peace organization in the United States, and we have always stood for diplomacy as the solution to conflict. We want to hear what you think.

Native American Voting Rights - January 13, 2022

Our guest was investigative reporter Stephanie Woodard, author of American Apartheid: The Native American Struggle for Self-Determination and Inclusion. She interviewed leaders of Four Directions voting-rights group from the Rosebud Sioux Reservation, in South Dakota. We will also heard from Mari Inoue of the Manhattan Project for a Nuclear Free World about the Roses to Mission Project honoring the 1st anniversary of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Human Rights in the Time of COVID-19
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Human Rights in the Time of COVID-19

A Zoom Forum hosted by Peace Action of Staten Island Saturday, January 23, 2021, from 2 PM to 4 PM.

A panel of experts addressing a range of human rights issues that are exacerbated on Staten Island as a result of the pandemic, including the rights to housing, food, safety and health.

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